CrackBerry speculated that the Verizon Tour 9630 would be getting the new official update from Verizon tonight and they did say that it may not be the 5.0 you was all looking for, well they was right there is a brand new update and it definitely is NOT 5.0.
The update can be downloaded right here, Verizon’s website says that this new update is more suited towards personal email users, Personal email refers to any POP3/IMAP webmail service that can be accessed via a web browser. Examples of personal email accounts include GMAIL, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc, for more information on this please visit here, just choose either ‘Personal Email’ or ‘Corporate Email’.
Please do let us know in the comments area below if you have installed the new official Verizon BlackBerry Tour 9630 OS update, and let us know what you think of it.