VU is a large 3-inch touch screen that is perfect for watching TV broadcasts of the AT & T as Fox, ABC, ESPN, Comedy Central and more. To help you with your TV-watching, the LG Vu is equipped with a User-friendly program guide and an antenna for expansion of TV reception better.
Television is only one thing that is good for the VU, it comes with plenty of features for your entertainment needs. These include a video player that both MP4 and 3GP player for great music, XM Radio, MusicID music recognition service Billboard Mobile (music, news, ringtone catalog), support HP (quick access to video clips on demand), AT & T music (music services, communities and applications), and much more. Many of these functions and costs of services or related charges, as expected for these things.
LG also has a 2.0 megalpixel autofocus camera with video capabilities for all graphics needs. VU is able to share videos, to share live video or recorded video during a call. Also on board is a program for image editing, so you can edit your images without the transfer to a PC.
All common features you can expect are included, SMS, instant message (AIM, Windows Live, Y! Messenger), microSD slot for additional memory, and much more. LG Vu has a broad support for Bluetooth, but also to save up to 20 Bluetooth pairings. Supports headset, dial-up networking, object push, file transfer, A / V Remote Control, Advanced Audio Distribution (stereo) and supports Bluetooth stereo for music and TV.