This is a tester of telephone? A tester of mobile phones is a person who comes to the mobile phones, the applications of cell phone and new functionalities on the telephone to test before they are actually diffused with the public. To test, your telephone can be paid to do this work. More probably, this person voluntarily goes in exchange of the possibility that the telephones are not yet available for public tests. In both cases, the tester will test the new product or service mobiles in convenient time and will submit a report of the results of the tests to some extent to people who read the tester.
How to make a tester of telephones this n' is not very easy for a telephone tester due to the fact it of the places limited available for this type of work and it much of people who would have. However, you can become a telephone tester, if you know where to look for this work.
• Check the Web sites of the companies of mobile telephony and the manufacturers of telephones which you like more. Each company can raise publicity on the Web sites, the sites employment and the blogs to make known they are interested to take the cell measures. The amount of l' test of work will be probably limited to you, while working with a company, but you l' occasion d' to test the products which you want.
• To obtain an employment with a cellular Telco. If you are ready to work for a cellular phone, it is a good d' means; to obtain the possibility of testing the telephone for the same company to have. Many people in work like a telephone tester to obtain this work because they know someone one which knows someone one. There to join the network with the good people on the telephone of the events, then to put the word in the middle of the network which you try to works like a telephone tester.
• Check technology d' boards employment.
• To apply to work like a critical writer/for the mobile blogs, sites and magazines. Paid to the listeners of last the mobile phones and the functions of the mobile phone for control and their opinions are transferred towards the sites. This employment is difficult to obtain and it is preferable if you have experience as a technical writer, but c' is an excellent d' means; to obtain an employment like a telephone tester (and paid!) To obtain
• To start a mobile blog. To become a telephone tester requires a combination of perseverance and chance.
• Obtain free products to test, or of l' money, just to take…
• Want you to be a tester of video games a tester of video games n' is not all the recreation and plays, but c' is a very pleasant career. A video…
• Tester uses of plays Tester uses of plays are idealized by much. > > You want to become a tester of play and d' to be paid?