There are three changes to the firmware update obtained. Is the first browser to improve with a faster interface. The browser on the Samsung i8910 is worth the pants need to start their real lives.
The first update is the addition cineiteach to the leaves that the browser already, but not the rest of the interface. Samsung dressed for 5 edition of the S60 UI widget satisfied TouchWiz UI, but it does not change much longer than the Home screen. At least now, the HD Samsung Omnia behind the rest of the gang touchscreen.
Finally, note it, a new graphics engine, the "quick access to multimedia content. The word" access "- ie a better view, but not yet stable 24 frames per second, 720p video recording. If we HD Samsung i8910 Omnia, the frame rate is used as our major objections to the audio recording problem is solved.
But what was able to write by the report on the Omnia and HD Panashe Michael Ngwerume called them to check one of the checklist. A value for the Omnia Samsung HD-lovers.
If the new firmware on the Omnia HD from January 2010, starting with the UK and then go to other European markets, Asia, Africa and the rest of the world. To install the fix, and you go Samsung PC Studio 7 installed on your computer. But you can from the Samsung website.