The basic phone with a new case design was much more pink, with much fanfare and shiny bit is set to look really cool in September Of course all this is useless if the ornaments are all a little 'how to call a dog, but nothing is further from the truth. The Nokia 7373 was important, because they need to have everything you could provide, without complications of a good camera and music player with access to the web via a GPRS connection and the ability to take videos on the Bluetooth - connection.
If you have a Nokia 7373, you choose a phone number you choose to be noticed. Each time, pocket watches, the people around you wanting to know everything about them and where to find this book. They love the smooth surfaces, the user interface and the fact that all the ringtone on the wallpaper on the display when not in use to the taste of the owner, which means that no individual two phones Nokia 7373 will be the same.
Technically, the phone has some nice touches to make it work in all circumstances. The 1.3 megapixel camera is good enough for a good night's rest and a drink with 128 MB of memory, the phone offers enough space for about 30 MP3 files, or hundreds of photographs. E 'can send messages via SMS, MMS and video, and also offers the ability to file via Bluetooth to the pub, so you can piece your friends the same as you, laugh or listen to the pictures at once entertaining. The Nokia 7373 phone is a social, but still works well enough to be used for business.